Executive Search

We, at NextMove, recognise the challenge for any search professional in being able to test candidates for their skills, over a large variety of industry or domain or functions. While answer to this challenge points to niche or specialist recruiters, we are also aware of the challenges of high search fee and limited bandwidth of niche or specialist search route.

What differentiates us

Co-design the Job Role

We use deep function and industry expertise of our partner professionals, world class tools from our partner organisations to co-design each job role with our client organisations. Our experts go well beyond generic words and ‘nice to have’ broad criteria to identify key success factors and success predictors for each role. 

2-in-a Box Recruitment Approach

What differentiates NextMove’s Talent Acquisition process is that we harness the unique industry, domain and function knowledge of our Partner Professionals to hold in-depth discussion with each of the shortlisted candidates. Only the candidates thus tested and vetted by the Partner-Professionals are presented before the client. The shortlisting process involves a rigorous telephonic or skype interview with NextMove’s industry or domain expert significantly elevating the effectiveness of the search process.
At the same time, we also use a network of Affiliated Search Partners and distributed multiple database to source candidates with unmatched speed. This unique 2-in-a-box search practice thus guarantees speed with quality.

Unique networking based database

For each search mandate, in addition to a recruitment specialist, we engage specific domain and industry experts, for the sourcing of right resumes. This results in carefully curated list of candidates not only from job portal database but through industry and professional networks, often finding excellent passive candidates.

Industries we specialise in

Banking, NBFCs, IT, Data Centre, Oil and Gas, Engineering and Pharma are some of the industries where our Partner Professionals come from. For all these industries we are also developing own curated candidate and successful professional database.

Use of world class selection tools

We specialise in recommending and deploying the right post recruitment success tools such as Leadership Assessment Instrument™, Team Effectiveness Assessment™ from leading organisations such as Linkage India.
Such interventions with excellent investment pay back record not only sets the new leadership hire for success but pre-empts avoidable pit falls and prepares the organisation to foresee and handle the team dynamics challenges arising out of the new leadership hire.

Knowledge repository about each client

Each client account is serviced by a senior partner from NextMove in addition to the partner professionals to create a continuous learning process for the team to improve the knowledge repository about each specific client, their specific goals and unique challenges.

Affordable and Flexible

Most of our Partner Professionals have been P&L Leaders and Country Heads of medium to large organisations themselves. Thus, we have personally experienced the dilemma between the need for engaging the best possible resources for Talent Acquisition and the cost pressures which limit the organisation’s ability to pay for it.
Our unique delivery mechanism therefore is designed to deliver the best in class search practices with affordable cost further eased by a flexible outcome-based fee approach.

Our Customers

Strategic Partners

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